Monday, September 2, 2013

Faces of Labor

Bonnie had the brilliant idea of taking pics at the Labor Day Parade! It was far more interesting than I expected plus easy to get up close.


  1. Traci, this are great! You have an ability to get close and use depth of field. You were able to get wonderful expressions of people -- many of them were looking at the camera, but they didn't have typical posed smiles. I especially like #2, 3, 13, 24, and 28. The woman dancing in #16 really captures her spirit and sense of motion. The man in #27 says "union worker" to me. I can almost hear the drums in #9. Last, I like all the different points of view - people from the front, side, and back; I like how the flag divides the composition in #11, and how I feel like I'm standing right behind the people in red in #12 and sitting next to the boys on the curb in #19.

  2. OMG...did you notice the guy in 27 is wearing a crop top??? Half this stuff I never notice when taking the picture. It's not until I look later and wonder...where/when did I take these.

    Thanks for your thoughts Bonnie...maybe I like portraits because I don't have to think as hard.

  3. Amazing! You've improved dramatically. I love this! The portraiture is really strong and the moments you capture are elegant and powerful. I can't wait to see more.
