Monday, August 19, 2013

Art Museum Day


  1. Not very colorful photos from a very hot day...

  2. I'm glad you posted these -- I enjoy seeing another person's point of view from the same photo shoot. You saw things I definitely missed! I like your people photos the best; the man and boy on the steps, the couple looking at a map, the man with the orange cap, and the security guard (I like that she is looking over her shoulder; my photo of her from the front wasn't as interesting). The image of the white curtains shows wonderful movement - I can almost feel the breeze...

  3. Traci, superb! I really love a lot of these. In #2 you are really starting to get the hang of panning. It's a neat visual device to remember to use in action shots. #4 is my all time favorite. There is something mesmerizing in the moment you captured, as if this little guy is making the ball levitate with his mind and his gesture. The lines in the background and the overall geometry is really great too + the colors really work well together. Great shot. #5 is kind of mysterious as well. It's a shot you wouldn't ordinarily take, and that's what makes it interesting. What is this couple doing? Who is in this white SUV? So many questions. I like it. My other favorite is #7, very surreal as well. The procession really gains a kind of presence through the way you framed here, and how it is advancing towards the viewer. And yes, the ghostly curtains. These are some of your best shots! Maybe the heat works for you :)
